Understanding HVAC Systems

Welcome to my blog! My name is Darren. My friends say that I am boring because I love the HVAC system in my home. I am not an HVAC professional, I just love the gentle hum of my air conditioning system as it gently brings the air in my home to the perfect temperature. When I was a kid, my family couldn't afford air conditioning so I spent many summers sweating away and feeling miserable. I vowed to myself then that when I grew up, I would have the best HVAC system money could buy. I hope you find my HVAC blog useful.

Things To Consider When Siting A New Split System Air Conditioner


If you are installing air conditioning in a newly built home, or your existing system is past its prime and needs to be replaced, a split system air conditioner is an effective and economical solution. However, to get the most benefit from your new split system, you should carefully consider where to install the systems indoor blower unit(s) and outdoor condenser unit.

Your residential air conditioning installation service will advise you on the best locations for your split system's indoor and outdoor units, but ultimately the final say is up to you. When choosing where to site the different components of your new split system, keep the following important considerations in mind:

Use Existing Infrastructure Where Possible

If your home has an existing split system air conditioner, it is often best to install the new indoor and outdoor units in the same locations as the old units. 

Your outdoor unit will need to be installed on top of a concrete slab to stop it sinking into the ground under its own weight. If the slab used by your current outdoor unit is still in good condition, placing the new outdoor unit on top of it will save you having to construct a new one.

The indoor and outdoor units of a split system are also connected by conduits, thin pipes which run through your home's walls and supply the indoor units with chilled refrigerant liquid. It may be possible to reuse these conduits with the new split system if the pipes are still in good condition. If the conduits need to be replaced, installing them in the existing cavities can save a lot of time, money and disruption.

Indoor Unit Location Will Affect Performance

If your home has been remodelled since the old split system was installed, or the existing indoor units were installed in unsuitable locations, you will need to choose new locations to install the indoor units. These locations should be chosen carefully.

Ideally, indoor units should be sited high up on walls or ceilings to maximise cool air distribution. They should also be installed away from direct sunlight, as heat gain from intense sunlight can reduce their cooling efficiency.

Indoor units should also be sited relatively close to the outdoor unit wherever possible, as longer distances will require longer conduits to be installed, upping installation costs. If you choose a multi-split system for cooling multiple rooms, extensive conduits will need to be installed anyway, but choosing a close location for the indoor unit in the room closest to the outdoor unit will still save you some cash.

Keep Plumbing Locations In Mind

Indoor units collect moisture in the form of condensation, and this collected liquid needs to be drained. Cheaper indoor units are fitted with drain pans, but these need to be emptied periodically, which can be messy and unpleasant. Connecting an indoor unit's drain to your home's waste water piping is more convenient.

If you choose this option, it might be a good idea to site indoor units close to existing waste water piping wherever possible. Shorter drain lines mean lower installation costs, and make leaks and blockages easier to locate if and when they occur. Look into residential air conditioning installation for more information.


13 April 2022